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The best, The worst

We all have our best and worst days in motherhood.

The days we question why we became a mom in the first place? Or when a person looks at you and your kids and halfheartedly gives a nod of approval, like you needed it?

I’m a good mom (without patting myself on the back) and I can say with all honesty that I have been a bad mom. Can you agree? Can you think of a specific situation when you were a serious shite mom and say to yourself “well f***, I need to apologise to my child”

I have to admit that on some occasions I have unfairly lost my patience with my kids and my husband and I salute the moms who have not done so and ask “please wise Yoda teach me your ways”. I like an organised house, I like the pillows on the couch the dishes in the sink (not necessarily washed). I clean my own house every day, and sometimes when it’s been a particularly hard long day and after making the beds twice because August likes pulling down all the blankets and pillows, I will speak with a raised voice. Isobelle on the other hand is a curious little creature I found her on the table that we use to build Augusts train tracks on, I know what you’re thinking, she literally used one of Augusts big bruder trucks to give her a boost. I was in the kitchen washing dishes and when she started crying I went to go see if she was okay… she was not, she was stuck and she couldn’t get down.

She likes dirt, dog food and scraps of onion peels from prepping our dinner. The kid is giving me grey hair before I’m supposed to get grey hair. She has also figured out that throwing whatever she has in her hand at that moment in the toilet, is a whole lot of fun. I have taken out, dummies, cars, soap, bottles and a stingray yes a stingray

I have gotten to the point where I clean toilets on a daily basis just on the off chance she decides to chuck anything in there, as well as closing the door behind me.

I know you can baby proof your toilet, but I still have toddler that waits until the last minute to tell me he needs to go. So I’ve given up on that idea

Why am I telling you this? Because this happens on a daily basis and although it’s naughty in a cute way, it’s also not, it’s tedious to think about every single step I take in the house, to make sure that whatever plate is not too close to the edge, make sure anything that falls on the floor gets picked up immediately

Now times everything I just said by 10. That is the average of times I have to say no, I have to pick up something on the floor, put dishes away and so on and so forth...

Now add diapers

And let’s throw a broken plate in the mix just for fun

At the end of the day I’m a hot mess mom.

Aren’t we all sometimes?



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