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Absolute Chaos...

Leave it to me to start potty training in the middle of the week.

I honestly just wanted to dip my toe in the water, see what it would be like and whether or not this boy of mine was completely ready for this next step. To my surprise HE told ME ,so there we are standing in front of the toilet and all of a sudden this seemed bigger than what it really was.


This moment meant that my firstborn was taking a step further away from being my baby boy, my little poeps to a more independent little lad. I can still remember the day my husband bought zinger wings after visiting our ob because I was determined to try every trick in the book to induce labour. (no I did not drink castor oil)

Little did I know that he gave me Little nudges the whole day, leaving hints that he was ready to face the world, I of course thought Braxton Hicks was playing a game of cat and mouse but 26 hours later he was born, on his due date the kids like me, hates being late.

When I first saw him all I could think was that he is the definition of perfection, so tiny, so dependent on me. I could kiss him, hug him, and cuddle with him whenever I wanted to.

We know that they grow up, they have to and we as mothers have to let them, we have to let go a little each day so that they can become who they are.

It has been a good long while since he fell asleep in my arms, I take extra time appreciating the quick hugs and kisses I get on a daily basis and replay the “I love you” often enough to welcome the inevitable teenage years.

I know what you want to say “jeez Lia it’s still a good long while till then” but honestly I realize now with Isobelle how fast time really flies, I get nostalgic and weepy and all of a sudden I’m a blubbering mess in the corner drinking a glass of wine because you know…Life

And yes, all of this came to me while we were getting ready for Augie to let go of his days in diapers and trade it in for underpants and I am honestly one incredibly proud mama llama, we are on day 2 and counting down the days we don’t have to shell out precious money for this kid to shit on.


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