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12 Days of Christmas part 2

12 Days of Christmas part 2.

This wonderful idea to bring a bunch of local mamas together was brought to you by the lovely Simone over at @mamatothepowerof4 which also happens to be the person I gifted. Not only is she an amazing mom of 4 kids but she also runs her own business AND manages her own blog!!! She is my literal definition of supermom.

Luchae is the gorgeous mama that gifted me with 12 of the most thoughtful gifts and I think she might know me better than my husband (: she is also a mom of 4 and manages her blog @my.spreadsheet.brain

Simone came up with a bunch of questions to get to know me better and I thought it would be a lovely idea for her and Luchae to answer them too! So here they are:


  1. How did you decide on your blog's name, Mama to The Power of 4? This is a slightly easier one, as the name is quite self explanatory. But a little behind the name - my friends constantly joke about me being "supermom", which I can absolutely tell you I'm not. But I guess my "power" comes from my kids. My four busy and loud and super-loving kids. So yes, I am Mama. To the Power of 4.

  2. Tell me a bit about yourself as a little girl, growing up. Oh I was the only blondy in my family, so got loads of attention off the bat. I became quite the princess, and learned to play dumb "so boys would like you". I am actually quite smart and determined, but only really stepped into that while at university.

  3. Do you have a family tradition or things you guys do as a family that is unique to your family only? We have this cute thing we do for birthdays - cake for breakfast. We've done this for everyone's birthday since hubby and I got married . We also have a Friday evening tradition of a variety of breads and cheeses that I've brought over from my childhood.

  4. What is the craziest thing you've done? Danced on a bar for a drink. Sounds like an OK-ish teenage thing to do? I was a married woman. But yo..It was the actual bar from Coyote Ugly. I felt like I was in the movie!


  1. What blog post are you most proud of, and why. I often share about my co-parenting experiences and my readers seem to love it. I think that "family" looks a lot different now a days if compared to the more traditional families of yesteryear. I'm always super proud when a single mum or someone who is co-parenting, messages to thank me for sharing my story. We're here to encourage each other and build each other up!

  2. Do you know the 5 Love Languages? What do you believe is your primary love language?

Gifts! lol Mariah Carey should change her song to: "All I want for Christmas is giiiiiiifts" I'm also an "acts of service" kinda girl.

3. Tell me something I would never guess about you.

I prefer hanging out in big crowds, versus have a one on one with someone I barely know. That's because my brain is always on the go and I can't fathom sitting down at a party, and only chat with one person.

4.Look in your handbag and list the current contents thereof. (no cheating!)

Wallet, earphones, 2018 diary, sinus pills, selfie stick (because apparently I'm that person), 3 pens, 3 different types of lip sticks/lip balms, A set of highlighters (because I'm that person too) and a pack of business cards

So now you know these two lovely ladies a little better

If you have a second and are not following their journey through motherhood yet then do so!





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